Nominating a Non-Profit
Only members 100+ Women Who Care OMY who are in good standing are allowed to nominate an organization/cause. In order for an organization to be nominated, it ideally needs to be a 501(c)(3) and serve the Oswego, Montgomery and Yorkville communities (for tax and potential gift matching purposes.) National organizations are only eligible if the funds will be designated and used locally. In order to be fully prepared with the key information you need to present, please prepare a Charity Nomination Form.
Upon arrival to the meeting, if you choose to nominate a charity, you need to hand in the completed nomination form. You will then be given a nomination slip – please put your name and the name of one organization/cause you are prepared to represent. One at a time, names will be drawn randomly from a basket and the person whose name is on the slip of paper will be asked to present. Only the member’s name on the ticket drawn is the person who can come up to speak for the charity - no substitutes. But if more than one member nominates the same organization/cause, they may present together. Every member that nominates a non-profit must themselves be willing and able to get up and speak about why our group should vote for that organization/cause and you must also be able to answer questions from the group. Your presentation should be simple and not overly formal. No slides or PowerPoint. You will have 5 minutes, including Q&A session. Typical awarded charities have presenters that are prepared and passionate about the cause. Here are a few tips for your presentation if the non-profit you nominate is one of the three randomly chosen.
A charity CAN be nominated by multiple members at each meeting. This increases their chances of being drawn for consideration. We must always have three different charities for our members to consider voting for, but multiple nominations for one charity does tip the hat in that charity’s favor to be drawn as one of the three.
The awarded organization must agree not to create, sell, or distribute a list with our members' contact information, and agree not to solicit our members directly for further contributions. It must also agree to mail personal receipt letters for tax deduction purposes to each 100+ Women Who Care OMY donor. Lastly, the awarded non-profit must be willing to send a representative to our next meeting to share how the money was or will be spent.
Note that organizations who are awarded the donation have a waiting period of two years before they are eligible to receive a donation again. If a non-profit is presented but not awarded the donation, it can be considered again at the very next meeting if randomly chosen again. Organizations that are presented but not awarded the donation often are awarded the donation the second or third time they are presented.