About 100+ Women Who Care OMY
Our Chapter
100+ Women Who Care OSWEGO•MONTGOMERY•YORKVILLE (OMY) is a group of area women who come together four times a year to pool our resources and contribute to local worthy non-profits. We come from all walks of life and varying financial backgrounds and leave our agendas at the door. As individuals it is difficult to make a very large impact, but as a group we believe we have the ability to contribute to the growth of our communities in ways that we never before thought possible.
Our local chapter was founded in 2015. Our area has a wealth of resources but also has many unmet needs, making it the ideal place for a chapter of 100+ Women Who Care. All donations will be given to local area charities, non-profits, or worthy causes serving the local area only. The purpose is for the contribution to stay 100% in the community.

Our Commitment
Our commitment involves attending four, one-hour meetings a year, and pledging $100 per meeting ($400.00 per year) to support a local charity/cause. Teams of 2, 3 or 4 are also welcome to meet the $400 yearly commitment. All charitable organizations/causes must serve the Oswego, Montgomery and Yorkville communities and ideally have 501(c)(3) non-profit status (for taxes and possible gift matching).
What is the history of 100+ Women Who Care?
The first chapter of 100+ Women Who Care was founded in Jackson, Michigan by the late Karen Dunigan, who always considered 100 Women Who Care to be one of her greatest ideas. As many great ideas do, it came serendipitously: during a meeting with leadership from the local Center for Family Health. In a Fundraising meeting, Karen learned that local mothers were bringing their babies home and putting them to sleep in boxes and dresser drawers because they couldn’t afford cribs, leading to the death of the infant in some cases.
Rather than seek a few large donors to meet the $10,000 goal for the project, Karen thought that she easily knew 100 women who would be willing to donate $100. At their first meeting, the women raised over $12,000 for the project and 100 Women Who Care was born. Now, there are over 650 active Chapters (and 200 more in development) in the 100 Who Care Alliance, including chapters of 100 Men, People and Kids Who Care!

“Women are a very strong force in our community.” - Karen Dunigan
National 100+ Who Care ALLIANCE
The 100 Who Care Alliance is a resource voluntarily compiled by chapter leaders for existing and future chapter leaders of the various 100 Women Who Care, 100 Men Who Care, 100 People Who Care and 100 Kids Who Care groups. There are currently more than 650 chapters making a huge impact in local communities throughout the world. More information can be found at 100 Who Care Alliance.
We are #thePOWERof100.